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Nikolina Koevska

Someone I work with in radio once said to me “Famous people don't do what they do because they love what they are creating. Famous people want to be famous.” When you think about it that’s so true, right? Now we might not all be Beyoncé or Leonardo DiCaprio, but we’re pretty similar! 

We're all craving that spotlight; that envy from others and approval from the people around us. This is getting too deep and analytical... What I'm trying to say it we all want to show off our lives! So when you're travelling, why not show off everything around you? You earned your way there! Plus, you probably spent way too much money on cute holiday outfits to let them go to waste!

Need help planning your next holiday? Travel blogger Lisa shares her advice on how to organise a great getaway here.

Byron Bay

The best way to capture your holiday and show it off to the world is a good Instagram post. Scratch that, I mean a great Instagram post! There is nothing worse than seeing someone upload a terrible holiday shot of a half-full cocktail on a pile of sand where you can't even make out the destination or time of day. So what makes a great holiday Instagram post? Read on.

How to make a great post for Instagram

  1. Do your research.
    Before you go away, note down the beautiful places that you want to visit and snap up a pic. Instagram, the Cover-More blog, good old Google - there are so many places that can help you out with this.
  2. Only focus on one thing at a time.
    Whether that is a building, backdrop, person or that fancy cocktail, don’t overcrowd the photo.
  3. You don't always have to be in the shot.
    It's not always about you. It's okay for a photo to show off the destination. Technically, it still highlights your photo skills - so in some ways, it is still always about you.

Now that we have those rules set out it's all about the destination. Byron Bay is a coastal town in New South Wales, Australia. It's a 1-hour plane ride from Sydney and the same distance by car from the Gold Coast if you're staying in sunny Queensland. It has the perfect mix of beach, nature, township, culture and weather to make for some great Instagram shots! So grab a partner, sibling, friend, dad, dog... and pay it a visit so that you can really ramp up your Instagram love. 

Byron Bay

Do you need more convincing to take a trip to Australia? Then read this article to find out why it should be your next holiday!

Where are the Instagram hot spots of Byron Bay?

Main Beach

From one side of the beach to the other, this place is thriving with photo ops! If you happen to get as stunning of a day as I did, then you'll be snapping away for hours.

PRO TIP: Make sure you try to capture the sun rays in each photo to give it a little glimmer. 

Byron Bay

The Top Shop

Aside from the fantastic food, this little cafe is the perfect backdrop for a ‘summer vibes’ post. The cute service window on the side is a photographer’s dream, and there’s the perfect little bench for you to pose on.

PRO TIP: When it comes to any photo, always remember to wait until everyone is out of the photo before you take the snap. This cafe was so busy this day, and you can't even tell in the picture - I may have also made my friend stop traffic on the road to get the right distance for the photo.

The Top Shop

Flamingo Motel

Well seriously, this retro '70s style motel sign is an Instagrammer's jackpot! The sign is turned on between 5-6pm every night so make sure you time your trip correctly because once it gets too dark you can't quite capture the best picture and when it's too light... Well what's the point!

PRO TIP: If you're a hipster or vintage lover, this iconic sign is one you'll want to find!

Flamingo Motel

Golden Breed Surf Shop

WARNING: This is a dangerous trip through the shopping streets of Byron Bay that will result in you spending way more money then you should be.... but is so worth the pic! Golden Breed Surf Shop has propped up the back of their shop with a fresh and vibrant backdrop perfect for a summer snap. With these bold colours in your Instagram post, it will stop your followers in their newsfeed tracks!

Golden Breed Surf Shop

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Nikolina Koevska is a media obsessed twenty-something who works in all areas of radio. She produces the Sydney Breakfast show Mike E and Emma, hosts her own Drive Program and is one half of the duo that is Adam and Nikolina for iHeartRadio. In the small amount of spare time she has, she loves nothing more than devouring a good cheese board, having a few cranberry vodkas with friends and binge-watching Jane the Virgin. Follow her adventures on Instagram @nikolinak or via her website.

The views, opinions and positions expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and are meant as travel inspiration only. They do not reflect the opinions of Cover-More Insurance. You should always read the Policy Documents available from your travel insurance provider to understand the limits, exclusions and conditions of your policy and to ensure any activities you undertake are covered by your policy.