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      Overseas Medical and Emergency Dental Travel Insurance Benefit

      medical treatment in hospital

      Protect yourself from unforeseen medical bills overseas

      Travelling internationally is an incredible experience, but if you become injured or unwell while you’re overseas, your trip can quickly turn it into a nightmare.

      Whether you find yourself with a case of Bali belly, accidentally slip and break your ankle, are involved in an accident, or more, our Cover-More team is here to help when you need us most.

      If you’re ready to protect yourself with Cover-More travel insurance cover while you’re abroad, get a free quote online or call us on (0800) 500 225.


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      What is travel insurance with medical and dental cover?

      Travel insurance that includes overseas medical and emergency dental cover may help you pay for overseas medical or emergency dental expenses that occur during your trip.

      If you encounter costs related to an unexpected illness, injury or medical condition that's covered by your travel insurance while you’re travelling, the travel insurance provider may reimburse you for the costs incurred, or may pay them for you directly to the medical facility, up to the plan limits on your policy.

      Why do I need overseas medical and dental cover?

      Overseas medical and dental cover can be one of the most essential benefits of travel insurance. Accidents and injuries can happen – and if you need emergency medical or dental care while overseas, the costs of medical bills can quickly add up.

      A travel insurance plan that offers overseas medical and dental cover may help support you if something does go wrong while you're travelling.

      Does Cover-More travel insurance include overseas medical and dental cover?

      Yes, all our international travel insurance plans offer overseas medical and overseas emergency dental cover to help protect our customers while travelling aboard.

      If, during the period of insurance, you suffer a disabling injury, sickness, or disease, overseas cover is provided for the usual and customary cost of medical treatment and ambulance transportation provided outside New Zealand by or on the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.

      Cover is also provided for the usual and customary cost of emergency repatriation or evacuation.

      In all cases, the cost of evacuation or to bring you back to New Zealand will only be met if your claim is approved by us and it was arranged by and deemed necessary by our emergency assistance network.

      Cover for overseas medical expenses will not exceed 12 months from the onset of the illness, condition, or injury. Once you return home to New Zealand, we may also pay up to $2,000 for continued medical, surgical and hospital treatment if you have an International Plan. If no treatment was sought overseas, we may also pay up to $2,000, as long as you seek treatment within 72 hours of arriving back home.

      The maximum benefit limit for our overseas medical and emergency dental benefits are:

      BenefitInternational BasicInternational ComprehensiveInternational Comprehensive+
      Overseas Medical Expenses$Unlimited~$Unlimited~$Unlimited~
      Overseas Emergency Dental$3,000$3,000$3,000

      ~Cover will not exceed 12 months from the onset of the illness, condition, or injury.

      For details on what’s covered by our medical and emergency dental benefits under our Inbound Plan – which is designed for non-New Zealand residents travelling to New Zealand.

      What emergency assistance does Cover-More provide?

      Our team at Cover-More provides specialist emergency assistance when you need it the most.

      All Cover-More policyholders can access our 24/7 global assistance team by calling the below toll-free numbers depending on their location:

      • USA: 1866 309 2267
      • Canada: 1866 773 9318
      • UK: 0808 234 1526
      • Australia: 1800 242 579
      • New Zealand and Other Countries: +61 2 8907 5340

      Our dedicated team of doctors, nurses, case managers and travel agents can provide you with the following services:

      • Help you find a medical facility and monitor your medical care 
        We can help you find an English-speaking doctor while abroad or assist in finding a nearby hospital.
      • Paying bills 
        Becoming ill overseas can be expensive; our team can pay your bills directly to the hospital if your claim is approved.
      • Keep you travelling or getting you home 
        Our team can decide if and when it is appropriate to bring you home and will coordinate the complete exercise.
      • Help if passports, travel documents or credit cards are lost 
        If you need assistance in contacting the issuer of the document, our emergency assistance team can help.
      • Help to change travel plans 
        If your travel consultant is not available to assist with rescheduling in an emergency, our team can help.

      To access our support, you, or someone on your behalf, should phone our emergency assistance team as soon as possible if you require hospitalisation, if your medical expenses will exceed $2,000, or if you want to return early.

      Certain services are subject to your claim being approved. Where your claim is excluded or falls outside the policy coverage, the giving of emergency assistance will not in itself be an admission of liability.

      The medical standards, sanitary conditions, reliability of telephone systems and facilities for urgent medical evacuations differ from country to country. Responsibility for any loss, medical complication or death resulting from any factor reasonably beyond our control cannot be accepted by us.

      Want to learn more about the benefits we can offer? Visit our travel insurance benefits page.

      What does Cover-More consider a “disabling injury, sickness or disease”?

      Travel insurance is designed to cover unforeseen incidents, illness, and injury; it cannot cover everything.

      If you’re considering protecting your overseas trip with our Cover-More travel insurance benefits, there are conditions, limits, and exclusions related to our overseas medical and emergency dental cover you need to be aware of.

      For example, our cover does not include cover for continuation or follow up treatment that started prior to your journey or routine medical visits, amongst others.

      We also don't cover dental expenses involving the use of precious metals, whitening, or involving cosmetic dentistry or routine dental treatment.

      Please refer to the Policy Wording for full details on what overseas medical and dental travel insurance expenses we will and won’t cover.

      Can I get travel insurance if I have an existing medical condition (EMC)?

      Yes, our Cover-More travel insurance plans can automatically include cover for a range of existing medical conditions (subject to the criteria outlined on the Policy Wording), but we can’t cover absolutely everything. For other conditions, you can complete a medical assessment at the same time you complete your quote. We can then assess if cover can be included on your policy. An additional premium may be required for cover to be included.


      Want to protect your trip with Cover-More health insurance?

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