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      Home / Travel alerts / Auckland Airport fuel crisis

      Auckland Airport fuel crisis

      Issued: 18 September 2017

      This advice applies to customers who are concerned or may be affected by the Auckland Airport fuel crisis.


      The ability of Auckland Airport to supply aircraft with fuel has been affected by a damaged fuel line that may take a number of days to repair. A number of flights both domestic and international have been affected and it is anticipated that a number of ongoing flights will continue to be affected until such time as the supply of fuel has been returned to normal.

      For all policies issued on or before 17 September 2017

      We consider this event to be outside of the affected airline’s control.

      Additional Expenses – Missed Connection

      During the Journey, there is cover for reasonable Additional transport expenses incurred for You to catch up with Your planned itinerary. Note: If you claim under this section, You are not entitled to make a claim under any other section of the policy for the same incident.

      Travel Delay

      If Your pre-booked transport is temporarily delayed during the Journey for at least 6 hours due to an unforeseeable circumstance outside of your control, We will reimburse You up to $200 on a Plan I or $150 on a plan D for reasonable Additional accommodation expenses. We will also reimburse up to these limits again for each full 24 hour period that the delay continues beyond the initial 6 hour delay.

      Amendment or Cancellation Cover

      • If the policy contains amendment or cancellation cover, there is cover (up to the nominated policy limits) for reasonable amendment or cancellation costs if existing travel plans are directly affected by the event. We will not pay more for rearranging (amending) the journey than the cancellation costs which would have been incurred had the journey been cancelled.
      • There is no cover available for any portions of the Journey that have been utilised.

      Remember, all reasonable steps must be taken to mitigate out of pocket expenses.

      Please ensure that You contact Your airline in the first instance to check their response to the current crisis as a number of airlines are offering amendments and refunds for affected flights.

      Policy cover for policies issued after 17 September 2017

      Travel insurance provides cover for unforeseen events only.

      • There is no cover for amendment or cancellation costs for policies issued after 17 September 2017 as this event is no longer deemed an unforeseen event.
      • If you decide to change your travel plans, we encourage you to speak with your travel agent or transport provider as soon as possible to minimise your out of pocket expenses.

      Important general advice

      This information must be read in conjunction with the Policy Wording as certain terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. These terms, conditions, limits and exclusions are detailed in the Policy Wording and in particular we draw your attention to ‘The Benefits’ and ‘General Exclusions’ sections of the Policy Wording.