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      Home / Christchurch terror attack

      Important Information regarding the events in Christchurch

      Issued: 19 March 2019

      Firstly, may we offer our condolences to all of those affected by the events on 15 March 2019.

      After Friday’s tragic events, we have been fielding enquiries about our cover and as such we have the following advice.

      For policies issued before 1.30pm on Friday 15 March 2019

      If you are attending a funeral for one of the victims of the events in Christchurch and if the policy contains amendment or cancellation cover, there is cover (up to the nominated policy limits) for reasonable amendment or cancellation costs if existing travel plans are directly affected by the event. We will not pay more for rearranging the journey than the cancellation costs which would have been incurred had the journey been cancelled.

      There is no cover available under the policy if you choose not to travel to Christchurch due to the recent events.

      Please remember to contact your airline, tour company or accommodation provider because under the policy you must still take all reasonable steps to mitigate out of pocket expenses and some providers are offering refunds and increased flexibility.

      For policies issued after 1.30pm on Friday 15 March 2019

      There is no cover for amendment or cancellation costs for policies issued after 1.30pm 15 March 2019, as the events in Christchurch were then within the public domain and no longer fall within the definition of an unforeseen event.

      If you decide to change your travel plans, we encourage you to speak with your travel agent or transport provider as soon as possible to minimise your out of pocket expenses.

      Important general advice

      This information must be read in conjunction with the Policy Wording as certain terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. These terms, conditions, limits and exclusions are detailed in the Policy Wording and in particular we draw your attention to ‘The Benefits’ and ‘General Exclusions’ sections of the Policy Wording.

      If you are overseas and require travel or medical assistance, please contact our 24-hour Emergency Assistance team on +612 8907 5240.

      For any general enquiries regarding the event, please contact our Customer Service team on 0800 500 225 between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 2pm on Saturdays.