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School supplies that could be decorated with Cover-More’s tips

Unfortunately, winter break is about to come to an end and spring semester is about to start. It is hard to say goodbye to the weeks of no alarms, late nights and time with friends. It is even more difficult to think about your holiday trips and travels without missing the destinations. Cover-More has you covered with some awesome tips to show off what you did during your holiday for this upcoming school term.

Book covers

Nothing says the beginning of school like new textbooks. In order to make your school books a little less boring, use some of your travel memories to spruce them up. Cover your textbooks with wrapping paper, scrap paper or paper bags like you would normally. Once the book is covered, print out photos of your trip and glue them on to the front. Feel free to add decorative words, or other mementos from your trip like small seashells or the hotel room key. Use whatever reminds you of your awesome holiday and is easy to glue on. This way, every time you are about to start your homework or listen to lectures, the memories of your latest trip will make school work seem a little bit better.

Photo memories

An easy way to remember your holiday and show off the great time you had to all your friends is to frame your favourite photos. Print out your favourite photos from the beach or the mountain hike you and your family conquered and display them on the walls of your dorm room. Having these memories on display will let you reminisce on the good times you had on holiday. If you want to be able to take your pictures everywhere, think about choosing one of your favourites to be your computer or cell phone background. Since students are always using technology, what better way to think about your holiday than to be reminded of it each time you answer a phone call or look something up on the internet.


Sometimes the greatest souvenirs you can get from a holiday are free. Collect extra sand, small seashells, sea glass, flowers, even stickers or menus from the places you ate at—anything that makes you think of your trip. Instead of letting these souvenirs collect dust in the back of your closet, show them off at school. Glue seashells to the top of pencils and pens, or attach them to your book covers. Have a mini-fridge in your dorm room? Attach a few mementos to magnets to embellish the front of your fridge and hang up your ‘A+’ test scores. You can use extra photos or collectibles from your holiday to decorate your folders, planners, even coffee mugs and water bottles. These small mementos are perfect for sprucing up your school supplies and your living accommodations.

Hotel collectibles

Remember those little bottles of soap and shampoo that the hotel puts in their bathrooms for the guests to use? Take them home with you and use them at school. Throw in a bottle of hand lotion into your pencil case so every time your hands feel dry during class you can think of the luxurious hotel you stayed at. The small size shampoo and body wash bottles are perfect for gym bags or lockers and also allow you to reminisce on the ocean views from your hotel balcony. These little hotel soaps are an ideal size for school backpacks and gym bags, and are a lot easier to carry than full-size toiletries. Stock up on these little bottles, and when everyone asks where they can get one, you can tell them they will have to travel to Fiji or Bali for their own.