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In danger abroad? Some of these apps can literally save your life while you’re travelling, while others will just help you keep your cool in the face of travel adversity. While you’re downloading these travel apps, also check out how you can avoid tech meltdowns on the road. The best apps can’t help you if your battery is dead or your phone is wet.

Organise your itinerary

TripIt allows you to keep all your travel plans in one place, and the pro version automatically notifies you about travel delays and gate changes. A new partnership with Auckland International Airport allows users to make parking and lounge reservations and online duty-free purchases as well. Download here for iOS and Android devices.

Know who to call

Don’t wait for an emergency to learn how to call police or ambulance. You know dialing 111 will summon help at home, but that won’t work everywhere in the world. In Australia it’s 000 and in the United States it’s 911. Keep global emergency numbers handy with the touch of a button with the Emergency Phone Numbers app. Download here for iOS and Android devices.

Find your way around town

Getting lost when you’re walking around a new city can be an adventure, but getting too lost can be scary. Having a set of maps saved to your phone, can be just the thing to save the day when you don’t always have an internet connection. City Maps 2 Go offers offline maps and insider travel tips. Download for iOS and Android devices.

Read the signs

Ever see a sign and wonder if it was a warning? With the Photo Translator app, you can snap a photo and let the app translate the text for you. Photo Translator offers support for more than 25 languages, including Thai and Vietnamese. Download here for iOS and Android devices.

Find a cash machine

Sometimes getting cash in local currency is an emergency. Westpac One offers a free global ATM finder. Download here for iOS and Android. Then you can keep track of how much you’re spending with the XE Currency Exchange app. Download here for iOS and Android devices.

Don’t be left in the dark

Wandering around in the dark is bad enough at home. Wandering around strange streets or hotels when the lights go out (or are just poorly lit) can range from scary to dangerous. Get a flashlight app to light your way. Download here for Android devices (iOS devices generally have built-in flashlights).

Keep up to date

Stay informed about natural disasters and weather events in your area with Disaster Alert. This is especially helpful when you’re travelling in areas where you don’t speak the language. This early warning and disaster alert app is available to download here for iOS and Android devices.

Have all the information

Be prepared for (almost) anything with the SAS Survival Guide. Written by a former British military instructor, this is the go-to guide for adventure travelers. Download here for iOS and Android devices.

Use the assistant in your phone

Let the personal assistant in your smartphone help you while you’re on the road. Both Siri and Google Now can tell you the local weather forecast, set reminders or alarms, provide driving directions, and find points of interest in your area. Both can offer suggestions about things to do, theatre suggestions, and local dining.

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Image courtesy of Flickr user Garry Knight; cropped from original