
There are so many tropical islands just a short flight away. Here are our picks of some of the best.

Lisa Owen

Bolivia is one of the cheapest countries to visit the Amazon region from – and if you’re after adventure, you can definitely find it here.

Nikolina Koevska

Vietnam is a destination that will have you captivated by the locals as much as you are with the places you visit. Here's where I visited and the people I met along the way. 

Jess Buchan

We all know Bali is the ultimate budget holiday destination but you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the trendy and luxurious options that it has the offer. 


Working 9-5 is not the most effective way to spend your time if you want to explore the world. Here are ten jobs for people who love to travel.

Lisa Owen

Six months is a long time to travel non-stop – and you learn pretty quick what works and what doesn’t in the backpacking world.

Tomas Zagoda

Norway strikes images into the mind of Vikings, wild landscapes, breathtaking fjords and snow capped mountain peaks.

Jess Buchan

Situated in Nepal, Pokhara is everything that Kathmandu isn't. It's a place where you'll find serenity and calmness among picturesque mountain views. 

Lisa Owen

South East Queensland is an outdoor lover’s paradise. From waterfalls, to mountain summits, to rocky waterholes, there’s a lot of trails on offer only a couple of hours from Brisbane.

Samuel Turner

Welcome to the beautifully unique and eclectically charming country of Georgia, tucked arguably in the centre of the world.
